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Technology & Business & Diversity


Are you interested in starting a new business?

Do you want to attract investors and talented individuals?

Do you want to advance your career?

Do you want to provide support for entrepreneurs?

Join the meetup to share resources and promote innovation, well-being, and sustainability.

About the meetup - TBD Night


- We focus on Technology, Business, Diversity

- We meet up on the 1st Friday Night of each month

- Everything can be discussed, everything has a possibility to evolve

- Enjoy the uncertainty and embrace it

- Do something different with the talents from all over the world

- TBD need you to get upcoming innovations done





- TBDは日本で一番多くのテクノロジーやイノベーションに関わる就業情報を共有

- ハードコアな技術に関する議論ができると同時にビジネスに関する話も十分楽しめるミートアップ

- 国籍にとらわれず、コミュニケーションにおいて壁のないコミュニティ

- 毎月の第一金曜日に集まる

Why am I doing this?

Some people say that the world is a cruel and selfish place, where everyone is out for themselves. They say that there is no point in trying to make a difference, because nothing will ever change. They say that the only way to survive is to look after your own interests and ignore the suffering of others.

I don’t believe that. I believe that the world is full of potential and possibilities, where everyone can contribute something positive and meaningful. I believe that there is a point in trying to make a difference, because even the smallest actions can have a ripple effect. I believe that the only way to thrive is to look after the common good and empathize with the needs of others.

That’s why I’d like to bring real good to the society, and this is my intrinsic objective. I don’t do it for fame or fortune or recognition. I do it because it makes me happy and fulfilled. 

I know that I can’t solve all the problems of the world by myself. But I can do my part, in whatever way I can. I can use my skills, talents, and passions to create something useful and beneficial. I can use my voice, influence, and network to spread awareness and inspire action. I can use my time, energy, and resources to support causes and organizations that share my vision.

And I invite you to join me in this journey.